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Aluminium Windows in Farnham

At Hart Windows, we pride ourselves on the high-quality Farnham double glazing and aluminium windows that we provide. As a result, we have accumulated thousands of satisfied customers in Farnham and the surrounding areas in Hampshire. Over the last three decades, we have developed a reputation for ourselves to give efficient quality.

We utilise leading aluminium window manufacturers ALUK and SMART to provide you with the aluminium home improvements you have always dreamt of. Our aluminium windows are suited to modern properties, but traditional properties can also benefit from our foil colours. As a result, you can find something for your Farnham home, no matter what style or period.

Aluminium Windows with Marvellous Features

Aluminium is a metal that possesses an enormous amount of strength. Unlike most other window frame materials, it requires less bulk to be able to bear the same load. A direct consequence of this is the fact that aluminium windows can have slimmer frames. This means you get a greater amount of glazing with less obstructions in your view! Aluminium profiles will also allow more light into your room, making it seem bigger.

Additionally, the strength means that your windows are much more secure and durable. These aluminium windows have frames that are so strong that intruders will not simply be able to damage them to enter. Plus, they are fitted with high security fittings to further enhance their strength. In addition to enhanced security, you’ll also find that your aluminium windows do not need as much maintenance as other materials. With just a quick wipe-down, they will retain their colour and strength for years!


Fantastic Features of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows Farnham

Easy Care

As mentioned earlier, aluminium windows require very little care. Our aluminium window profiles are built incredible well, that you will not have to worry about natural elements eroding the materials. Their surface is not easy to corrode, and aluminium does not rot or warp. Moreover, they are coated with durable colour coatings that don’t chip or peel easily.

Since their surface is quite waterproof, any stains on your aluminium windows remain on the surface. To clean them, you simply need a cloth and some soapy water. With just some light surface cleaning, you can maintain their bright colour and clean appearance.

The most effort you might have to undertake is to clear the hinges and opening hardware of your aluminium windows. It is important that you keep these areas clear of dirt and debris to maintain the smooth functionality.

Heat Performance

In the past, aluminium was not considered a good material for heat proofing a house. As a metal, it would conduct heat a bit too efficiently. This meant that all the warmth from inside the house would rapidly be transferred out. However, modern technology has changed that.

Our aluminium windows give you thermal performance that is as good as any other material. They effectively keep the heat or cool trapped inside your Farnham home.

As a result, you get a warm home with fewer hours of heating on. What’s more, with reduced heating usage, you see a decrease in your bills.

Aluminium Double Glazed Windows, Farnham

Tailored Beauty

When you decorate your home, you do it to show a bit of your personality with it. Additionally, consistency is quite important in the look of any property. Thus, when you buy aluminium windows, you’d want them to work with the rest of your properties double glazing and décor.

We at Hart Windows understand this. This is why we give you complete flexibility to tailor the look of your aluminium windows to your taste. You select the style of your windows, but we offer more.

We give you a selection of colours and foils to choose from. This way, you can match their tone so that it complements the rest of your décor. Moreover, you can choose the type of glass you want.

You can pick from plain, frosted, or glass with design. Additionally, you can also tailor the features you want by opting for improved thermal efficiency, noise reduction, or enhanced privacy.

Smart Aluminium Window Prices, Farnham

Unmatched Security

Aluminium windows give your Farnham home unbeatable security and protection. These windows are remarkably strong. As a result, it is not possible to simply break the frame to enter.

While this is enough of a deterrent for would-be intruder, we also fit them with high security locks. These locks add another layer of security to your aluminium windows.

Finally, our aluminium windows are installed following every building regulation. What’s more, their hardware is concealed, making it inaccessible from the outside. Once the windows are closed, no one can get to the hinges or screws to dismantle them. As a result, you get complete security for your home and family!

Aluminium Window Prices in Farnham

If you look at the benefits that our windows can give your home, you’d think your aluminium window prices in Farnham would be prohibitively expensive. Hart Windows offers our customers throughout Farnham, Hampshire & Surrey competitive prices.

You can contact us for additional information and prices on your new aluminium window installations. Send us a message and someone from our team will get in touch with you. They will answer all your questions, help you with your decision, and give you a bespoke quote for your home improvement project.

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Aluminium Windows in Farnham, Hampshire

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uPVC Doors uPVC Doors
Composite Doors Composite Doors
Conservatories Conservatories
Aluminium Aluminium
panels Glass
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